Name: | Trond Saue |
Date and place of birth: | Dec 7 1964, Harstad, Norway |
Nationality: | Norwegian |
Marital status: | Married, two children |
Current position: | Professor (DR1-CNRS), |
| Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantique |
| UMR 5626 CNRS/Université de Toulouse 3 (Paul Sabatier) |
| 118 route de Narbonne, F-31062 Toulouse Cedex 4, France |
Phone: | +33(0)561556361 |
Fax: | +33(0)561556065 |
Mail: | trond.saue@irsamc.ups-tlse.fr |
- University of Oslo 1985-93, 1994-96
- North Platte High School, Nebraska, USA 1981-82 (YFU exchange student)
- Heggen videregående skole, Harstad 1980-81, 1982-84
Academic degrees
- Habilitation à diriger des recherches:
Calculs moléculaires relativistes à 4 composantes
awarded Jan 28 2000 at Institut de Recherche sur les Systèmes Atomiques et Moléculaires Complexes (IRSAMC),
Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France.
- Dr.scient. (PhD): Principles and Applications of Relativistic Molecular Calculations
awarded Jan 16 1996 at the University of Oslo, Norway.
The thesis was directed by prof. Knut Fægri jr. (University of Oslo) and prof. Odd Gropen (University of Tromsø)
- Cand.scient. (Master), University of Oslo 1991
- Examen artium (Norwegian High School Diploma) 1984
- US High School Diploma 1982
Scientific activity
- 92 articles in international journals [ORCID:0000-0001-6407-0305]
- 1 book: Patrick Norman, Kenneth Ruud, Trond Saue: Principles and Practices of Molecular Properties: Theory, Modeling, and Simulations, Wiley 2018 [more info]
- 5 book chapters
- 80 invited lectures at international conferences
- One of five principal authors of the
DIRAC code for 4-component relativistic molecular calculations
- Director of the European summerschool in quantum chemistry (ESQC)
- Organization of international conferences and workshops
- 10th Triennial Congress of the International Society for Theoretical Chemical Physics (ISTCP 2019) Tromsø, Norway July 11-17, 2019:
Organizer, with Pekka Pyykkö, of scientific track "Aspects of Heavy Element Chemistry"
- Atoms, Molecules and Materials in Extreme Environments, Oslo, June 4 - 6 2018 [with Trygve Helgaker, Oslo) and Peter Schwerdtfeger(Auckland)]
- Open Shells. Open Questions (a conference in honor of Hans Jørgen Aagaard Jensen), Middelfart, Denmark, Aug 24 - 26 2015
[with Emmanuel Fromager, Jacob Kongsted, Stefan Knecht and Patrick Norman]
- Relativistic Effects in Heavy Elements (REHE 2007), Ottrott, France, March 21 - 25 2007 [with Hélène Bolvin]
- A Coastal Voyage of Current Density Functional Theory, Tromsø - Trondheim, Norway, Sep. 19-22 2007
Kenneth Ruud, Tromsø, and
Trygve Helgaker, Oslo)]
- Organizer of Summer/Winter Schools: Response Properties of Molecular Materials
Last Update: Nov 14 2023