09h00 - 10h00: T. Saue: Opening remarks and general overview
10h00: Coffee break
10h30 - 12h30:
12h30 - 14h00:
14h00 - 16h00: Brainstorming session on candidate molecules
16h00: Coffee break
16h30 - 17h30: (Seminar LCPQ) Peter Schwerdtfeger: High Pressure Simulations – Squeezing the Hell out of Atoms
20h00: Dinner at restaurant “La Brindille” (cassoulet)
The restaurant is at 100 rue Riquet next to the hotel (Tél.: 0561628113)
Friday Jan 14: "Physics"
Emphasis on the evolution of the experiment
09h00 - 10h00:
10h00: Coffee break
10h30 - 12h30:
12h30 - 14h00:
14h00 - 16h00: Conclusion/Goals
16h00: Coffee break
Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques (Toulouse):
Trond Saue
Centre for Theoretical and Computational Chemistry(Tromsø):
Radovan Bast
Centre for Theoretical Chemistry and Physics (Auckland):
Peter Schwerdtfeger
Sciences Chimiques de Rennes:
Jeanne Crassous, Nidal Saleh
Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers (Paris):
Benoit Darquié, Anne Amy-Klein, Christian Chardonnet, Christophe Daussy, Clara Stoffler
Laboratoire de Dynamique, Interactions et Réactivité (Paris):
Pierre Asselin, Pascale Soulard
Laboratoire de physique des lasers, atomes et molécules (Lille):
Thérèse Huet
Laboratoire Hétérochimie Fondamentale et Appliquée (Toulouse):
Antoine Bacereido
Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination (Toulouse:
Rémi Chauvin
Practical information
The meeting takes place in “salle de seminaire de l'IRSAMC”, 3rd floor of building 3R1 (from the Metro [red arrow above] go to the building circled in red and take the second entrance from the left and walk up to the final floor; turn left and the seminar room is the first door to the left after the fire door)
Recommended hotel: Hotel Riquet (92 rue Riquet, close to Metro station Jean Jaurés)
From/to the airport: Take a bus or taxi
It is possible to buy a combined ticket Metro+bus to/from the airport (5 €)