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Candidate Molecules

Methylrhenium trioxide (MTO) Working title: re_2010_01a Working title: re_2010_01b Working title: re_2010_02a


  • Kick-off meeting Toulouse Jan 13-14 2011
    • TODO:
      • Theory:
        • Jeannes molecules, CHClBrReO3, SO-phenyl-methyl-gold
        • Behaviour of E_PV for CHFClBr
        • Complete vibrational analysis for MTO
        • Peter looks into chiral uranium compounds
        • Find 2nu_as (also intensity) for MTO
        • Look into VCD
      • LPL:
        • Look for MTO saturated absorption in jet
        • reduce nozzle diameter for better rotational temperature
        • develop portable QCL
      • LADIR
        • Development of tunable diode laser spectrometer
      • PHLAM
        • Development of new spectrometer (20 - 70 GHz)
      • Rennes:
        • Look into new molecules following brainstorming
          • brainmol1.jpg
          • brainmol2.jpg
          • brainmol3.jpg
          • brainmol4.jpg
  • Rennes meeting. Tentative dates: Thu June 30 - Fri July 1



Computational corner

ncpchem/intranet.1718565601.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/16 21:20 by