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CHFClBr B3LYP/cc-pVTZ equilibrium structure

 Center     Atomic      Atomic             Coordinates (Angstroms)
 Number     Number       Type             X           Y           Z
      1          1           0        0.798116    0.872231    0.154514
      2          6           0        0.023950    0.117874    0.084708
      3          9           0       -1.111896    0.565832    0.648492
      4         17           0        0.577722   -1.342224    0.932699
      5         35           0       -0.287901   -0.213713   -1.820413
ncpchem/chfclbr.1733495828.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/12/06 15:37 by