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CHFClBr B3LYP/cc-pVTZ equilibrium structure

 Center     Atomic      Atomic             Coordinates (Angstroms)
 Number     Number       Type             X           Y           Z
      1          1           0        0.798116    0.872231    0.154514
      2          6           0        0.023950    0.117874    0.084708
      3          9           0       -1.111896    0.565832    0.648492
      4         17           0        0.577722   -1.342224    0.932699
      5         35           0       -0.287901   -0.213713   -1.820413

CHFClBr B3LYP/cc-pVTZ frequencies and displacement vectors

 Harmonic frequencies (cm**-1), IR intensities (KM/Mole), Raman scattering
 activities (A**4/AMU), depolarization ratios for plane and unpolarized     
 incident light, reduced masses (AMU), force constants (mDyne/A),   
 and normal coordinates:
                           1         2         3         4         5
                           A         A         A         A         A
       Frequencies ---   217.7274  307.2358  418.9151  642.1984  744.2165  
    Reduced masses ---    26.6781   21.0297   17.6804    5.6584    8.1195
   Force constants ---     0.7451    1.1696    1.8281    1.3749    2.6496
    IR Intensities ---     0.0396    0.3836    0.7983   68.0750  204.2567
 Coord Atom Element:
   1     1     1          0.22193  -0.23182   0.26586   0.16141  -0.11976
   2     1     1         -0.38554   0.14220   0.21344   0.48345   0.57498
   3     1     1         -0.14478  -0.10798  -0.21861   0.59572  -0.29857   
   1     2     6          0.16900  -0.20137   0.41305   0.28209  -0.08001  
   2     2     6         -0.33806   0.08928   0.04415   0.35621   0.53525 
   3     2     6         -0.03455   0.17594  -0.22414   0.40166  -0.47770  
   1     3     9          0.18855   0.08205   0.31504  -0.05443  -0.00127  
   2     3     9         -0.26817  -0.03305  -0.57677  -0.04967  -0.06353  
   3     3     9         -0.09743   0.85589  -0.03385  -0.06897   0.07368
   1     4    17          0.07807  -0.12636  -0.29016  -0.01033   0.01848
   2     4    17         -0.06224   0.13676   0.28486  -0.05745  -0.15938
   3     4    17          0.64182  -0.01729  -0.08711  -0.00041   0.09646
   1     5    35         -0.10851   0.06982  -0.01348  -0.02727   0.00581
   2     5    35          0.14847  -0.06803   0.00319  -0.02292  -0.00282
   3     5    35         -0.25383  -0.22376   0.08362  -0.05190   0.01597   
                           6         7         8         9   
                           A         A         A         A  
       Frequencies ---  1092.3316 1215.3124 1327.9958 3150.4025
    Reduced masses ---    11.3289    1.0943    1.1154    1.0885
   Force constants ---     7.9643    0.9523    1.1590    6.3652
    IR Intensities ---   195.3308   67.6848   12.2205    1.5169
 Coord Atom Element:
   1     1     1          0.45503   0.20721   0.68282   0.71579
   2     1     1         -0.01697  -0.32125  -0.62573   0.69051
   3     1     1          0.02379   0.92016  -0.36524   0.05917
   1     2     6          0.65141  -0.03494  -0.02777  -0.06129
   2     2     6         -0.19587   0.01536   0.07512  -0.05964
   3     2     6         -0.31465  -0.07250   0.03112  -0.00513
   1     3     9         -0.41571   0.01380  -0.03091  -0.00003
   2     3     9          0.13295  -0.00292  -0.02105   0.00044
   3     3     9          0.19957   0.00775   0.00180   0.00011
   1     4    17         -0.00427   0.00369   0.00361   0.00022
   2     4    17         -0.00216   0.01305   0.00366   0.00016
   3     4    17          0.00540   0.00006  -0.00220  -0.00002
   1     5    35         -0.00289  -0.00229   0.00134   0.00009
   2     5    35         -0.00105  -0.00331   0.00001   0.00007
   3     5    35         -0.00290  -0.00262   0.00047   0.00001
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