Relativistic electron correlation methods |
Relativistic GAS Configuration Interaction
The Kramers-Restricted Configuration Interaction (KR-CI ) module has been released with the
latest version of the DIRAC relativistic electronic-structure package (see networks
The relativistic CI program LUCIAREL utilizes Slater determinant expansions
represented by creator strings based on double point group and time-reversal symmetry adapted
one-particle functions (Kramers-paired spinors). Configuration spaces of general excitation
level are constructed by means of the Generalized Active Space (GAS) concept, a generalization
of the Restricted Active Space (RAS) scheme to an arbitrary number of spinor spaces
occupations. The current implementation can treat determinant expansions of up to
roughly terms.
The program is applied in high-accuracy calculations of spectroscopic (e.g. , RbYb, or UO )
and electric properties (e.g.
) and used as a CI module in a
Kramers-restricted MCSCF program .
Collaboration/Networks |
Stefan Knecht and Hans Joergen Aagaard Jensen, both at SDU Odense, Denmark
Jeppe Olsen at LCTC Aarhus, Denmark
DIRAC metalaboratory
Recent Publications
Relativistic String-Based Electron Correlation Methods
Timo Fleig
in: Relativistic Methods for Chemists, Barysz, Maria; Ishikawa, Yasuyuki (Eds.)
Series: Challenges and Advances in Computational Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 10 (2010) 407-449
Large-Scale Parallel Configuration Interaction. II. Two- and four-component double-group general active space
implementation with application to BiH
Stefan Knecht, Hans Jørgen Aa. Jensen, and Timo Fleig
J Chem Phys 132 (2010) 014108
Large-Scale Parallel Configuration Interaction. I. Non-Relativistic and Scalar-Relativistic General Active
Space Implementation with Application to (Rb-Ba)+
Stefan Knecht, Hans Jørgen Aa. Jensen, Timo Fleig
J Chem Phys 128,1 (2008) 014108 Available online January 7, 2008
The Generalized Active Space Concept for the Relativistic Treatment of Electron
Correlation III: Large-scale configuration interaction and multi-configuration
self-consistent field four-component methods with application to UO2
Timo Fleig, Hans Jørgen Aa. Jensen, Jeppe Olsen, Lucas Visscher
J Chem Phys 124,10 (2006) 104106
(View full list)
Recent Posters on the Topic |
Stefan Knecht, Hans Jørgen Aagaard Jensen, Timo Fleig
Challenging the Limits of Full CI calculations. Parallelization of the Spin-Orbit Free GAS-CI Program LUCITA.
REHE Conference , March 21- 25, 2007, Domaine Saint-Jacques, Ottrott (France)
Stefan Knecht and Timo Fleig
Using MPI - Parallelization of the Spin-Orbit Free GAS-CI Program LUCITA. Application to the (RbBa)+ molecule ion.
Astrochemistry, Winter School in Theoretical Chemistry, December 11 - 14, 2006, Helsinki (Finnland)