
Research Interests

Curriculum and Scientific Presentations


Teaching (in French and English)



Recent Publications

Variational Calculation of the Hyperfine Stark Effect in Atomic 87Rb, 133Cs, and 169Tm
Timo Fleig
arXiv:2409.08787v1 (2024)

Semi-Hadronic Charge-Parity Violation Interaction Constants in CsAg, FrLi and FrAg Molecules
Aurélien Marc and Timo Fleig
Eur. Phys. J. D (2025) accepted for publication

P,T-odd Weak Neutral Current Interactions in the TlF Molecule
Timo Fleig
Phys Rev A 109 (2024) 022807

Candidate molecules for Next-Generation Searches of Hadronic CP-Violation
Aurélien Marc, Mickael Hubert, and Timo Fleig
Phys Rev A 108 (2023) 062815

Suppressed Electric Quadrupole Moment of Thulium Atomic Clock States
Timo Fleig
Phys Rev A 107 (2023) 032816

Electric dipole moments and the search for new physics
R. Alarcon et al.
arXiv: 2203.08103 [hep-ph] (2022)

Electric dipole moments generated by nuclear Schiff moment interactions: A reassessment of the atoms 129Xe, 199Hg, and the molecule 205TlF
Mickael Hubert and Timo Fleig
Phys Rev A 106 (2022) 022817

Spectroscopic and Electric Properties of the TaO+ Molecule Ion for the Search of New Physics: A Platform for Identification and State Control
Ayaki Sunaga and Timo Fleig
J Quant Spectrosc Radiat Transf 288 (2022) 108229

Theoretical Aspects of Radium-Containing Molecules Amenable to Assembly from Laser-Cooled Atoms for New Physics Searches
Timo Fleig and David DeMille
New J Phys 23 (2021) 113039

P,T-Odd Interactions in Atomic 129Xe and Phenomenological Applications
Timo Fleig and Martin Jung
Phys Rev A 103 (2021) 012807

The DIRAC Code for Relativistic Molecular Calculations
T. Saue, R. Bast, A. S. P. Gomes, H. J. Aa. Jensen, L. Visscher, I. A. Aucar, R. Di Remigio, K. G. Dyall, E. Eliav, E. Fasshauer, T. Fleig, L. Halbert, E. D. Hedegard, B. Helmich-Paris, M. Ilias, C. Jacob, S. Knecht, J. K. Laerdahl, M. L. Vidal, M. K.Nayak, M. Olejniczak, J. M. H. Olsen, M. Pernpointner, B. Senjean, A. Shee, A. Sunaga, J. N. P. van Stralen
J Chem Phys 152 (2020) 204104

P,T-Violating and Magnetic Hyperfine Interactions in Atomic Thallium
Timo Fleig and Leonid V. Skripnikov
Symmetry 12 (2020) 498

P,T-Odd Tensor-Pseudotensor Interactions in atomic 199Hg and 225Ra
Timo Fleig
Phys Rev A 99 (2019) 012515

(View full list)

"What can be asserted without evidence, can also be dismissed without evidence."
(Christopher Hitchens)